Santiago / Valdivia: 00:00:00 HRS

| Berlin: 00:00:00 HRS

In the past, some of the projects we have developed and/or pushed are:

Theory-Fiction Essay “Three Atmospheres of Fiction and Theory for One (Post)Capitalist Struggle” for the After Progress Digital Exbibition, curated by Martin Savransky and Craig Lundy, organized by the MA Program in Ecology and Society, the Unit of Play of the Department of Sociology, both at Goldsmiths University London, and the Sociological Review Foundation.

Full-length Essay “Towards the Operative Objects of Post-Capitalism: A Critical Cultural- And Media-Theoretical Refusal on the Chilean Case (1973-2023)” for APRJA, vol 10, Issue 1, 2021.

Short Essay “Embrace No Certainties: Or How to Refuse Capitalist Realism” for the Research Refusal Peer-Reviewed Newspaper, vol 10, Issue 1, 2021, edited by the Digital Aesthetics Research Center from Aarhus University, and published by Open Source Publishing,.

Panel “Alterations of Science and Technology through Design and Architecture” at the Chilean STS 2020 Annual Conference, in Santiago, Chile. By Cotoras and Zerené.

Panel “STS from Design, Art and Architecture” at the Chilean STS 2017 Annual Conference, in Valdivia, Chile. By Zerené and Gómez-Venegas.

Panel “Aesthetics of the Anthroposcene: A Debate on the Role of Design, Art and Architecture in the Constitution of our Common Life” at the Knowledge/Culture/Ecologies 2017 Conference, in Santiago, Chile. By Cotoras, Zerené and Gómez-Venegas.